Associação Internacional Poetas del Mundo
International World's Poets Association

International Poetas del Mundo Association 

Registrado sob o n° 51.741 – Livro A-182 fls. 203v a 212 do protocolo Livro A-17 n. 318.809 – em 29 de junho de 2010 – Cartório 4º  Serviço  Notorial e Registral de Títulos e Documentos das Pessoas Jurídicas de Campo Grande-Mato Grosso do Sul – Brasil.

Art. 1st - For this document, it is social, cultural and juridically instituted the Associação Internacional Poetas del Mundo (International World's Poets Association) - civil association, without lucrative purposes, of own patrimony, uncertain duration, simply denominated in this Statute of POETAS DEL MUNDO that has for main objective to level the interior peace in the people, through of the cult, increase of the popularization of the Culture of all the people, without any entail sectarian, philosophical, politics or religious, of non economical purposes.  
§ 1st - Institutions of Knowing and Culture, national or international, they can join to the POETAS DEL MUNDO, after approval of the Presidency, with previous opinion of approval of the Juridical Management of this Association.  .    
§ 2nd - POETAS DEL MUNDO will promote its activities through Administrative Representations: a) a International Headquarters, Brazilian, in Campo Grande - MS, that will dispose about the cultural politics of the Association; b) a World Headquarters, located in Santiago, in Chile; c) Headquarters in all the Continents and more the Arab World, that will work like Vice-presidencies, and d) Representations and managements in Countries, Departments, Provinces, States, Municipal Districts. All the sections of this Entity will structure operation themselves, in agreement with this Statute and its Internal Regiment, and with the Laws of the Region and Country of itsspare establishment. 
§ 3rd - POETAS DEL MUNDO is its Headquarters in Brazil, that works administratively in 1065 Padre João Crippa Street, 109 room - Campo Grande - MS - BRAZIL - Zip Code 79002.380, operation under the defense of this Statute, of uncertain duration, could open, the Association, its representations in other Countries, States and Cities of the Brazilian territory and International.   
§ 4th - the International Headquarters of POETAS DEL MUNDO, World Headquarters, the Continental Headquarters, the State and Municipal Departments in Countries, Provinces, will have as President Founder, lifelong, the Mr. Luís Árias Manzo - and, all will organize their own Managements without to disobey the norms of this Statute, nor the Brazilian Laws, nor those of the Areas or Countries where they are located.  
§ 5th - The first mandate of the Management of POETAS DEL MUNDO will have the duration of 10 (ten) years, with admitted reelections of your Members, seeking the consolidation. Starting from the second order the duration will be of five (5) years. 
§ 6th - The World Thirst will have your representation and lifelong presidency and the Representatives of Continents, of Countries, Departments, Provinces, States, of Municipal districts, will stay in their functions, even after change of the International Presidency of POETAS DEL MUNDO, until when the new elect Management of POETAS DEL MUNDO to find for well, in function of the good developed work; in if making need a destitution and new indication, those will be acts of the International President's competence and of the Entity President. 
§ 7 - the Association International Poetas del Mundo doesn't distribute among your partners or associated, counselors, directors, employees or eventual donors it operational surplus, gross or liquid, dividends, allowances, participations or portions of it patrimony, gained by the exercise of their activities, and applies them integrally in the attainment of its social objective. (Law 9.790/99, only paragraph of art.1º) 
§ 8 - In the development of its activities, POETAS DEL MUNDO will observe the beginnings of the legality, impersonality, morality, publicity, economicality and of the efficiency and it won't make any race, color, gender or religion discrimination. (Law 9.790/99, item I of art.4º) 
Only paragraph - Para to fulfill its purpose, the entity it will act through of the direct execution of projects, programs or plans of actions, of the donation of physical resources, humans and financial, or intermediate services rendered, of support to other nonprofit organizations and organs of the public section that act in kindred areas. (Law 9.790/99, only paragraph of the art. 3rd)   
§ 9 - POETAS DEL MUNDO will have an Internal Regiment that, approved for the General Assembly, will discipline its operation. 
§ 10 - the institution will adopt administrative management practices, necessary and enough, to restraint the obtaining, in individual or collective way , of personal benefits and advantages, in result of the participation in the power to decide processes. (Law 9.790/99, item II of the art. 4th) 
Art. 2nd - POETAS DEL MUNDO doesn't divide with somebody else its authority, nor its autonomy, being administered and governed by the norms of this Statute and for the exposed in your Internal Regiment that will complement it, subject both to the norms of the Brazil National Laws. 
§ 1st - the World Presidency will be governed equally as willing in this article and it will be under the aegis of the Brazilian Headquarters, complementing its organization and administration by its own Internal Regiment, that also will respect the local and national effective laws, of the region in that be located. 
§ 2nd - to the International Presidency will have the responsibility of to settle abroad and to organize administratively itself; it will inform abouth the integration to POETAS DEL MUNDO of any cultural institutions for them middle of performance, also supplying to the same orientations that it allows be them included in the POETAS DEL MUNDO cadaster. 
§ 3rd - the creation of any Vice-presidency in the Continents and in the Arab Countries it will be in the responsibility and coordination of the International Presidency, that will guide it in all the necessary providences, directing the copies of the documents, besides of the Statute and of the nominal listing of Members of your Management and of the academic and similar groups, properly registered, preceded of integration solicitation to POETAS DEL MUNDO, for approval for the Presidency of this Association. 
§ 4th - POETAS DEL MUNDO will authorize the creation of STATE REPRESENTAÇÔES (nominated RE-POETASDELMUNDO), one in each Brazilian State, subordinates to this Statute and its Internal Regiment, in agreement with Art. 2° of this. The acronym RE-POETASDELMUNDO - it will be complemented by two representative letters of the State of Brazil in that is located, where it has thirst and forum (RE-POETASDELMUNDO -xx) 
§ 5th - Para that the municipal district can create a representation of Poetas del Mundo will should be linked juridically to the State Representation - and will should possess at your place a minimum of 30 (thirty) associated poets. 
§ 6th - for each REPRESENTATION STATE or MUNICIPAL will be, therefore, under the aegis of the National Headquarters of Brazil, complementing its organization and internal administration through Internal Regiment itself, that it will respect, also, the local, state, besides the national Brazilian Laws. 
§ 7th - to each REPRESENTATION STATE or MUNICIPAL will to have the responsibility of to install  itself administratively and to govern with own resources, also to inform to the National Headquarters the annexation of any cultural institution or natural person (Member) to its groups, to maintain its apropriate and updated cadaster. 
§ 8th - each REPRESENTATION STATE or MUNICIPAL will revert, annually, to the National Headquarters POETAS DEL MUNDO, an amount in the value of sixty percent (60%) of the effective national minimum wage in Brazil, in the occasion of the payment of that amount, that should be done until the end of the first quarter of every year, for cadaster expenses and them updating, expenses with mail, phone calls, Internet, material of the National Headquarters printed for popularization, some administrative basic orientation to the Representation, that is done necessary. 
§ 9th - the National Headquarters of Poetas del Mundo will make for the representations (RE-s) the transfer in the value of 10% (ten percent) about the received funds of each State Representation. 
§ 10th - each Continent, Country, Province or Department will take care of studying the value of the quota monthly or annual that should be paid to the entity, everything of conformity with the Laws of each Country and under the responsibility of each one. 
§ 11st - in the quota of each Country, it will revert for World Headquarters Poetas del Mundo - in name of Luís Árias Manzo - the equivalent to 5% (five percent) on the collected values. 
§ 12nd - in case of dissolution of some REPRESENTATION STATE or MUNICIPAL, its patrimonial collection in the occasion, after payment of your debts (for the which only the Representation State or Municipal is responsible) that, by chance, there is proven, it will revert to the National Headquarters of POETAS DEL MUNDO. 
§ 13° - each REPRESENTATION STATE or MUNICIPAL will be administered by a composed Management, at least, for:  
2nd Secretary 
2nd Treasurer 
Juridical director 
Patrimony director      
Fiscal Council 
anything impeding that each Representation State or Municipal in agreement with its own will and need, enlarge its sections, each one with the Director itself.  
§ 14 - each Country, Province or Department will organize its management following Entity Mater's patterns (Brazil) - adjusting it in the form of the effective legislation in each region. 
Art. 3° - starting from the signature date of this Statute, POETAS DEL MUNDO will maintain on its patrimony to build, movable and immobile properties, full responsibility and administration. 
§ 1st - the POETAS DEL MUNDO members, in Brazil, to help in the maintenance of the activities of the Association on behalf of the Culture, it will contribute with a minimum annuity of thirty percent (30%) of the effective national minimum wage, in the occasion of the payment, or this can to be done in monthly installments of 1/12 (twelve grandparents) of the referred value, always updated for the national minimum wage, of the time of the payment of each installment, values that will be deposited in checking account, for to be open in the name of Poetas del Mundo in the Banco do Brasil S.A. (Bank of Brazil AS) e/ou in the Caixa Econômica Federal (Cash Federal Savings Bank).  
 § 2nd - each Continent, Country, Province or Department will establish its associates' annuity - monthly or annual and that should be paid to the entity, everything of conformity the laws of each Country and under the responsibility of each one. 
§ 3rd - the Institutions that if adopt POETAS DEL MUNDO will pay a rate of annuity of fifty percent (50%) of the effective Brazilian national minimum wage for occasion of the payment of the same. 
§ 4th - in case of dissolution of POETAS DEL MUNDO, the existent patrimony in the occasion, in Brazilian territory, it will revert for a Library or Cultural Center - (Non Government Organization, without lucrative purposes / OSCIP), of available and free attendance to the public in general, to criterion of its Presidency in the occasion, staying the same with a file in separate, so that, opportunely, if the POETAS DEL MUNDO comes to be rescued, all its patrimony to this comes back, could be used by the guardian Institution, while under your guard it is, without there are destruction or pillaging of the same; 
§ 5th - the any other cultural institution, natural person or juridical - individual or collectively represented - the power will be delegated of managing the patrimony of POETAS DEL MUNDO. 
Art.  4th - POETAS DEL MUNDO has as main objectives: 
I - to Integrate, to each other, the Cultures of several countries; 
II - to congregate national and foreign, people and entities, dedicated to the Culture; 
III - to insist, for the means and resources within its reach, in the sense of the cultivation, development and improvement of the Brazilian and foreign Cultures: Letters and Arts in general, besides popular; 
IV - to Care for for the practice of the citizenship, of the racial equality, of the human rights, motivating the spirit of national and international solidarity through the Letters, of the Arts, in other words, of the Culture in general, elaborating and developing projects in that sense; 
V - to Defend the Middle-atmosphere, the humanity's patrimony, elaborating and developing projects in that sense; 
VI - to collaborate with the international and federal and state and municipal public powers, seeking the promotion of the memoirs and identities of the different people, through researches and studies literary, linguistic, historical and artistic;   
VII -  to motivate and to present suggestions in the sense of improving the legislation on attendance to the Culture, Letters and Arts in general, national and international;   
VIII - to maintain exchange with publishers, institutions and natural or juridical persons that can collaborate for the accomplishment and it conquers of the objectives of POETAS DEL MUNDO;   
IX-  to promote forums of debates among POETAS DEL MUNDO and other institutions, with views to the overcome of obstacles to the cultural promotion and the Brazilian and foreign writers and artists' practice;    
X - to create organisms and systems of social attendance, of impression and distribution of books, in the national and international writers and artists' favor;   
XI - to create communication institutions (newspapers, magazines, radios, TVs, sites) for best to publish the literature, the peace, the middle environment, the solidarity, the human rights, the Poetas del Mundo.   
XII - to promote, to motivate and to support: exchanges, congress, encounters, conferences, lectures, exhibitions, courses, contests and other events, always seeking the improvement of the Cultures and Arts with popularization and accomplishment national and / or international, in agreement with the norms of this Association, here specified, as of the effective laws in their application places.   
XIII - execution of projects of experimental character or not, of studies, researches and / or events and actions in the education society, health, ecology, sanitation and safety areas or in any other relative subject to the life conditions and that is important for the ones that use of the activities of the entity, as for the very common of a group or area;   
XIV - to act in the promotion of the Ethics, of Peace, of the Citizenship, of the Human Rights, of the Democracy, of Peace's Culture;   
XV -  support for the Cultural Variety - the vision of the singularity of each human being and the singularity of the ethnicities, geographical areas, religions, abilities and other different groups. In that way, the execution of projects against the prejudice and in favor of valorization of the variety, as factor of humanitarian support and of equality of rights.    
Art. 5th - Saint component organs of POETAS DEL MUNDO: 
a) General Assembly; 
b) Management; 
c) Fiscal Council; 
d) World Presidency. 
e) Vice - Continental Presidencies and Arab Countries 
f) Countries Representations, Provinces, Departments, State and Municipal. 
g) Ambassadors and Consuls. 
Art. 6th - of the General Assembly - How to can deliberative of the Association, the General Assemblies will be composed for the Founders Members of POETAS DEL MUNDO, more their Titular Members. 
§ 1st - it Competes to the General Assembly, especially: 
a) to meet in Ordinary General Assembly for the election of the Management up to where it is competent, in agreement with this Statute and in the date in them foreseen; 
b) to meet in Extraordinary General Assembly to examine and / or to deliberate on referring important subjects to POETAS DEL MUNDO or of interest of the Cultures, of the establishment of the international dialogue and peace, of the observance of the Human Rights and of the Middle Environment, always in agreement with the specification in the summons of the Management. 
c) the Extraordinary General Assembly will still be able to treat of the dissolution of the Entity, deprivation of the eligible Directors and alteration of the Statute, since it gets if it constitutes with the quorum of 50% one more (01) of the associates in regular conditions in POETAS DEL MUNDOS or, in second summons, with the presence of any number of theirs voters Members, for discussion and approval - or not - of the subjects on the agenda. 
§ 2nd - the Association President will install the General Assembly and he will invite the presents for they will elect the Assembly President that will write the record. 
§ 3rd - the vote won't be allowed by procurement. 
§ 4th - in the General Assemblies the votings will be accomplished in an established way by most of the present members. 
§ 5th - the deliberations will be resolved by simple majority, but not for exceptions foreseen in this statute. 
§ 6th - the General Assembly ordinarily meets in February or March or extraordinarily, when summoned in the terms of this Statute.  
§ 7th - the right of voting and to be voted will be able to be exercised only for who is without debit with the Financial Department of the Association. 
§ 8th - the General Assembly will only interfere in subjects when those if they refer to the expressed objectives in the present statute and they go of interest of the Community (in the case, of the Poetas del Mundo). 
§ 9th - the positions of Management non eligible, will be completed, later to the possess of the elect Management, to criterion of the President of POETAS DEL MUNDO, when it is done necessary to the development of the Association; the ones of the item " A " to " H " (Art. 7°, § 2nd, item A) and the Fiscal Council will be elected by the General Assembly. 
§ 10th - the approval of the bills of POETAS DEL MUNDO depends on the presentation of the Report of the Financial Director to the Fiscal Council. It is competence of the President, to take the Report to the appreciation of the General Assembly. 
§ 11st - it is of the exclusive competence of the General Assembly: 
a) to reform the statute; 
b) to annul the mandate of any member of the management and council; 
c) to decide about acquisition and alienation of immobile patrimony; 
d) to solve, ultimately, all the special subjects and resources that be submitted it. 
Art. 7th - of the Management - it competes to the Management, to administer the activities of the Association, to elaborate and to execute the annual program of activities, to elaborate and to present to the General Assembly the Annual Report with the respective accounts rendered, to admit and to dismiss employees, to propose the reform of the Statute, presenting suggestions and justifications, as well as the choice of the Directors, Members not chosen, owing the choice to be, preferably, among in Members Founders Titular and / or holders. 
§ 1st - the Management also competes to summon for (and to do to accomplish) ordinary and extraordinary meetings inside of the legal procedures, always in the regimental terms. 
§ 2nd - the Management will be composed of: 
A) - eligible Positions: 
a) President; 
b) Vice-president; 
c) Secretary; 
d) 2nd Secretary; 
e) Treasurer; 
f) 2nd Treasurer 
g) Juridical Director; 
h) Patrimony Director; 
i) Fiscal Council 
b) - Positions non eligible, that can exist or not, to criterion of the President, for constitution of Departments and in agreement with the growth of POETAS DEL MUNDO among the ones which the Managements of: Communication; Partner-cultural, Middle-Environment, Human Rights, Support to Projects, Reception of Resources, International Relationships, of the Young Writer, and, so many other as are necessary. 
§ 3rd - POETAS DEL MUNDO can have President(s) of Honor - Personality(ies) of it enhances national, chosen(s) in agreement with the statutory and regimental norms of POETAS DEL MUNDO. 
§ 4th - the first elect President of POETAS DEL MUNDO, when leaving the function, will pass, automatically, the President of Honor lifelong of the Institution, with your name included in the Group of Presidential Honor. 
§ 5th - it is compentence of the President: 
the) - to administer POETAS DEL MUNDO, determining the exact execution of the norms that  govern it, as well as the execution of the complemental regulators norms; 
b) - to represent POETAS DEL MUNDO, judicial and extra-judicially; 
c) - to summon the accomplishment of ordinary and extraordinary meetings, in the regimental terms; 
d) - to Indicate and to deprive people for International Vice-presidencies and for Arab Countries, State and Municipal Representations, as well as Directors of Departments of the Headquarters POETAS DEL MUNDO; 
and) - other competences will be certain in the Internal Regiment to be approved and registered hereafter. 
§ 6th - it is compentence of the Vice-president: 
a) - to substitute the President in its impediments, to represent the President in visits or social actions, to collaborate in the direction and execution of all the activities of the Association, still being able to, to assume the Presidency, in the vacancy declared in Assembly-general. 
b) - to summon new elections in the case of vacancy of President's position to happen to the half of the mandate, it should summon new elections. In case the vacancy happens after having elapsed fifty percent, more one day, it will competence of the 1st Vice-president to summon the Management, so that the necessary providences are accomplished for the relocation of the Members of the Management in the positions, starting from Juridical Director's position upward; assuming, the own Vice-president, the Presidency, gathered the Management, the same will deliberate about the maintenance, it changes or relocation of the other Managing Members in the new administration. 
§7° - it is competence of the Secretary: 
a) to give attendance to the Presidency in the whole meetings, providing para that the minutes of the meetings are elaborated and be organized the correspondence of POETAS DEL MUNDO received and sent; 
b) to maintain control of the files and administrative filing cabinets; 
c) to provide for that be accomplish all the intern communication between the several Departments and the Presidency, maintaining the registration of the same in a due way; 
d) to provide for that be accomplish all the intern communication and its due registration in file. 
§ 8 - it is competence of the 2nd Secretary: 
To substitute the Secretary in its impediment. 
§ 9 it is competende of the Treasurer: 
1 - the supervision and execution of the subjects of the Treasury and of the accounting bookkeeping, placing, together with the President, his signature in checks and documents of financial movement and bank accounts; 
2 - to deposit, in bank establishment, all the financial resources of POETAS DEL MUNDO; 
3 - to prepare annual report, regarding the previous exercise, until the end of January, so that, after approval of the President, it can be submitted to the approval of the Ordinary General Assembly. 
§10 - it is competence of  the 2nd Treasurer: 
To substitute the Treasurer in his impediment. 
§ 11 - it is competence of the Directors:  
- each Director will organize, how to judge reasonable and necessary, his Department, caring for for the good course of the works of the same, submitting the choice of its team and the planning of his Department to the approval POETAS DEL MUNDO. 
a) it Competes to the Juridical Director: 
1 - to examine and to say, as well as to promote adoption of measures of juridical order; 
2 - to defend juridically the interests of POETAS DEL MUNDO. 
c) it is competence of the Director of the Patrimony: 
1 - controls and preservation of the patrimonu and of the Headquarters and too much material and cultural properties of the POETAS DEL MUNDO. 
§ 12 - it is competence of Honor Presidents: 
a) - they attended for the meetings for which be invited. 
§ 13 - it is competense of the World President: 
a) - to organize his Presidency, with his team, to establish the regulation of the same and your work planning, submitting to the approval of POETAS DEL MUNDO President. 
§ 14 - it is competense of the Directors in Countries, Provinces, Departments, States or Municipal districts: 
a) - to organize their Management and, with their team, to establish the regulation of the same and their work planning, submitting to the approval POETAS DEL MUNDO President, organizing, also, in the municipal districts of their state, or of their countries of origin. 
§ 15 - it is competense to the Ambassadors and Consuls: 
Ambassador's position and Consuls are honorary posts and they seek: 
a) to represent in in their State or City to POETAS DEL MUNDO. 
b) to render support in the diffusion of the works of the POETAS DEL MUNDO members. 
Art. 8th - of the Fiscal Council - the Fiscal Council is composed by three elect Members by the Ordinary General Assembly and more two Substitutes, staying them in their functions for the same period that the Management with them elect. 
§ 1st the mandate of the Fiscal Council will be coincident with the mandate of the Management; 
Art. 9 - it is competence of Fiscal Council: 
I - to examine the accounting, books, registrations and other documents of POETAS DEL MUNDO, emitting to seem that will be enclosed to the report of the Administration Council, observed the Brazilian Accounting Norms; 
II - to say about the swingings and also financial and accounting reports of acting and about the accomplished patrimonial operations, emitting opinions for the superior organisms of the entity; (Law 9.790/99, item III of the art. 4th) 
III - to request the First Treasurer, the any time, supporting documentation of the economical-financial operations accomplished by the Institution;  
IV - to negotiate and to accompany the eventual independent external auditors' work; 
V - to summon the General Assembly extraordinarily; 
VI - to evaluate, in case of doubt, the current annual report of POETAS DEL MUNDO, exercising like this the financial movement fiscalization and views to the referred Association documentation; 
VII - to approve the Internal Regiment 
VIII - to express in all the situations certain for this Social Statute, especially and extraordinarily to the General Assembly, in case of to detect irregularity or distortion of the Organization businesses; 
IX - to say on the reports of financial and accounting acting and about the accomplished patrimonial operations, emitting to seem for the Council of Administration; 
X - to organize, for to feels publicity, in the closing of the fiscal exercise, report of activities and of the financial demonstrations of the entity, being included the negative certificates of debits close to Welfare Department (INSS) and to Warranty Bottom for Service Time (FGTS), placing them to the disposition for exam of any citizen; 
§ 2nd in case of vacancy, the mandate will be assumed by the respective substitute, until its end. 
Only paragraph - The Fiscal Council will meet ordinarily to each three (3) months and, extraordinarily, whenever necessary. 
Art. 10th - when being informed of any meeting of the Management, it will fall to each Director to inform and to summon his direct Assistants for discussion of the subjects of the line of the meeting, receiving suggestions of team him. 
§ 1st - the defined position of each Department will consist of approved Record and properly, signed and directed officially to POETAS DEL MUNDO. 
Art. 11 - the summons of the Ordinary General Assembly, with a minimum of 1/5 (a fifth) of associated, it will be made of twenty days in advance, except for cases considered special and very urgent, preferably by electronic correspondence (e-mail), that should be answered immediately. In the impossibility, of such an use, summons should be used through the press or of the communications, for telegram or letter with AR (greeting warning), or still for communication to the associates' group. 
Art. 12 - the summons for Extraordinary Assemblies should happen in the expressed form for the President, or by signature of, at least, 1/5 (a fifth) of the associates that are in regular conditions, close to POETAS DEL MUNDO. 
Art. 13 - If some voter Member, in the conditions above cannot attend, he should send vindicative correspondence that should contain the Associate's name that will substitute him. The document should contain the necessary representation powers, being him supplied all the documents and pertinent information about the subjects that will be discussed in the plenary meeting.

Art. 14 - in the General Assembly they should be present, in First Summons, at least 50% (fifty percent) more one of the all of the number of voters Members, in other words, the ones that are in regular conditions close to POETAS DEL MUNDO. In Second Summons, half hour after the First Summons, the General Assembly will take place with the presence of any number of their voters Members. The General Assembly is the supreme power of POETAS DEL MUNDO and it is private competent, concerning the election of the Management., in what it refers to Art. 7°, § 2nd, item A. 
Art. 15 - the meeting of the Management will be made by official summons of the Presidency, in advance low of fifteen days.  
Art. 16 - POETAS DEL MUNDO will be constituted of the following groups of Members: 
a) FOUNDERS - Those that consist of the Record of Foundation and of the meeting of constitution of POETAS DEL MUNDO and they approved the present Statute, participating in the initial organization of that Institute that they are:  

b) TITLE-HOLDERS - The ones that, in the full joy of their rights and duties, they have or not signed the book of constitution of POETAS DEL MUNDO, begin to do part of the Management of this Association; 
c) PRESIDENTS OF HONOR - All that go as such a chosen ones for the different Managements of this Association and the First President of POETAS DEL MUNDO, after passing the position for the following Management; 
e) INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATED - People of other countries that want to be participant Members of POETAS DEL MUNDO and that have your approved names as such for the World and International Presidency; 
f) DIRECTOR-ATTACHED - Of the ones that, in the full joy of their rights and duties, have or not signed the book of constitution of POETAS DEL MUNDO, come, in some moment, to be invited, for Directors of the this Association Headquarters, and they aid the same ones in their functions; 
g) STATE AND MUNICIPAL REPRESENTATIVES - all the components of the Managements of the State and Municipal Representations. 
h) ASSOCIATES - Other components that act regularly in the different sections of the Association or to them adopt helping sporadicly, contributing financially with deliberate amount for the Management and for the same could be reviewed periodically; 
i) HONORARIA - Constituted by the that, in the future, they come to be honest with such a title for POETAS DEL MUNDO. They are those that, in judgement of the Presidency of the Association, independent of nationality, become worthy of the distinction, be by virtue of their work or of their work in benefit of the Culture, be due to important services or financial donations the Association. The number of Honorary Members will be of in the Maximum of hundred and fifty Alive Members, for Country; for death of a Honorary Member, his name will be transferred for the Group IN MEMORIAM and will open up its vacancy in the Group of Honoraria. 
j) EMERITUS - Constituted by the Members of other groups that, for the non execution of their responsibilities to POETAS DEL MUNDO for solicitation of the Management and / or decision of the Presidency, come to be transferred for it, exempted of the institutional responsibilities, for how much they already contributed to the Association and the Culture (causes of the transfer: advanced age, disease, definitive change of residence or any other just reason, by judgement of the Management or for own solicitation); 
k) MERITORIOUS - group of the Members that contribute in an important way (cultural or financial and / or materially) to POETAS DEL MUNDO for decision of the Presidency; 
l) IN MEMORIAM - Composed of the Members of the other groups, when of the death   
     of the same ones. 
§ 1st - World and Founder President's Position (art. 1st § 4th) and International President (art. 1st § 6th) they are lifelong - the elections will happen for the other positions of the management, after the mandate period. 
§ 2nd - the Members considered Founders of POETAS DEL MUNDO, they will be exempt of the payment, in the first 01 (one) years, of the annual rate of POETAS DEL MUNDO, being able to, even so, of free will, for that time, to contribute financially with the Association, for spontaneous donation.  
Art. 17 - after having vested, no Member can give up its institutional dignity. The exclusion of one of the groups will only feel because of death, for the that the died Member will be included automatically in IN MEMORIAN'S group, or for financial default or attitude inadequacy, when the Member will become a Transposed, losing the reasonable rights to the Members of POETAS DEL MUNDO. 
Only paragraph:  The admission and the associates' exclusion is attribution of the General Assembly. 
Art.18 - it is granted to each Member of POETAS DEL MUNDO the right of presenting to the Management of the Entity the name of civil or juridical personality, justified, proven and documented the indication, in the amount of one (01) suitable a year institutional, for greeting of Honorary Titles, presentation that that will be evaluated properly by the Management of the Entity, being able to or not to be countersigned. 
Only § - The Honorary Titles, Medals and Diplomas and emblems other servants and offered by POETAS DEL MUNDO, they can be offered, being admitted, in certain occasions, partnership with other (s) Entity (s) since there is agreement among the respective Managements.  
Art. 19 - they are eligibility conditions to the Management of POETAS DEL MUNDO: 
the) to be Founder or Title-holder member of POETAS DEL MUNDO, to be Titular of the International Presidency, to have fixed residence in Brazil; 
b) to be even with all its obrigations to POETAS DEL MUNDO; 
c) preferably, to have exercised cultural activity previously. 
§1st - the renouncement the any position close to POETAS DEL MUNDO and justification should be expressed through file directed to the President to be appreciated; 
§2nd - the exclusion of a position will only be able to happen in the terms of the previous paragraph, or when for attitude that hurts the norms of POETAS DEL MUNDO or attack at a co-participant(s), for decision of Management. 
Art 20 - They are right of the Membros Fundadores and Titulars, in the terms of the established in this Statute: 
a) to participate and to vote in the General Assemblies;  
b) to vote and to be voted in election of the Management; 
c) to use title, emblems, medals, to glue and badges other, indicators of its quality of POETAS DEL MUNDO member, of conformity with the models appreciated by the Management. 
Only paragraph - The Members of the Groups of Transferred and of IN MEMORIAN, for obvious reasons, they won't be able to use of such rights. 
Art 21 - These are duties of the Members, except for IN MEMORIAN and of Transferreds, these in what fall to criterion of the Management: 
a) to participate, with assiduity, of the sessions promoted by POETAS DEL MUNDO; 
b) to maintain in day financial contributions, satisfying, with punctuality, the donations normal or extraordinary, financial to with POETAS DEL MUNDO that will make possible the Entity to maintain their activities; 
c) to accomplish and to do to accomplish this Statute, norms and resolutions of the institutional powers of the Entity; 
d) to honor the name of POETAS DEL MUNDO wherever is, accomplishing and making to accomplish this Statute and its Internal Regiment;      
e) to participate in the publications of POETAS DEL MUNDO, paying, properly, with the referring expenses their part; 
f) to carry out with zeal and dedication the responsibilities that to assume or that are confident them, caring for the excellence in their cultural-artistic performance. 
Art. 22 - besides those mentioned in § 9th of Art. 2nd and in Art. 3rd of this Statute, the patrimony of POETAS DEL MUNDO will be composed by donations, contributions and legacies that are checked for them. 
Art. 23 - they will constitute social income the value of the contributions of the units integrated POETAS DEL MUNDO, the real profit of the participations in events, fairs and still the donations of any nature granted the Association. 
Only paragraph - In case of dissolution of the National Thirst of POETAS DEL MUNDO, your patrimony will have the established destiny in § 3rd of Art. 3rd of this Statute. 
Art. 24 - the World Presidency, Continental Vice-presidencies and Arab Countries and component Countries of the Vice-presidencies, they will fit to organize their patrimonies, fitting them total responsibility on their expenses. 
Art. 25 - the patrimonies of the World Presidency, Continental Vice-presidencies and Arab Countries and component Countries of the Vice-presidencies, in the exterior, being responsibility of the same ones to administer them, in agreement with their own organizations. 
Only paragraph - In case of dissolution of the World Presidency and Continental Vice-presidencies and Arab Countries and component Countries of the Vice-presidencies, your Patrimonies will receive the destiny that your Managements determine. 
Art. 26 - the patrimony of the State and Municipal Representations in States will be for them own administered. 
Only paragraph - In case of dissolution of some  STATE OR MUNICIPAL REPRESENTATION, in Brazil, of POETAS DEL MUNDO, their patrimonies will have the established destiny in § 8th of Art. 2nd of this Statute. 
Chapter IX 
Art. 27. The necessary financial resources to the maintenance of the institution will can be obtained for: 
I - Terms of Partnership, Agreements and Contracts with the Pubic Power for financing of projects in their area of performance; 
II - Contracts and agreements with national and international companies and agencies; 
III - Donations, legacies and inheritances 
IV - Revenues of applications of their financial and other assets, pertinent to the patrimony under their administration 
V - the associates' Contribution 
VI - Greeting of copyrights etc. 
Chapter X 
Art. 28 - the accounts rendered of the Institution will observe at least (Law 9.790/99, item VII of the art. 4th): 
I - the fundamental beginnings of accounting and the Brazilian Norms of Accounting; 
II - the publicity, for any effective way, in the closing of the fiscal exercise, to the report of activities and of the financial demonstrations of the entity, including the negative certificates of debits close to WELFARE DEPARTMENT and to FGTS, placing them to the disposition for the exam of any citizen; 
III - the audit accomplishment, also for independent external auditors if it goes the case, of the application of the eventual resources object of Term of Partnership, as foreseen in regulation;  
IV - the accounts rendered of all the resources and properties of public origin received it will be done, as it determines the only paragraph of Art. 70 of the Federal Constitution.   
Art. 29 - the first mandate of the Management of the Brazilian Thirst will have the duration of 10 (ten) years, admitted reelections of their Members. Starting from the second the mandate - the time of duration will be of 5 (five) years. 
Art. 30 - the rates and contributions the one that is subject the Members and Institutions integrated POETAS DEL MUNDO will be the constants of approved table, in meeting of Management of the Entity. 
§ 1st - the cash belonging to POETAS DEL MUNDO will be picked up to chosen bank establishment by the Management, deposit in checking account on behalf of POETAS DEL MUNDO, whose movement will be accomplished by signature, together, of the President and of the Treasurer. 
§ 2nd - the amount in cash maintained in the box it will be confronted by the President, of common agreement and with knowledge of the Treasurer. 
Art. 31 - the World Presidency is not subject to the payment of monthly fees, rates or contributions for POETAS DEL MUNDO, National Headquarters; all the received budget the any title for the referred World Presidency will be with her own used. 
Only paragraph - Nothing impedes that people, World Presidency, International Presidency, Continental Vice-presidencies and Arab Countries and component Countries of the Vice-presidencies and institutions another can contribute voluntarily to POETAS DEL MUNDO (Headquarters). 
Art. 32 - POETAS DEL MUNDO can create Decorations and to emit Diplomas and, always, in number annually limited, to commemorate events, to honor personalities or institutions or to express recognition. 
§ 1st - The current expenses, in what refer to the Brazilian Headquarter of POETAS DEL MUNDO, they will be you paid by the POETAS DEL MUNDO. 
§ 2nd - In what is refered to the World Presidency, Continental Vice-presidencies and Arab Countries and component Countries of the Vice-presidencies, in the exterior, and to the STATE AND MUNICIPAL REPRESENTATIONS, the same ones will request authorization to the Headquarter in Brazil to grant Medals and Diplomas, always also on behalf of the Association, being known that, to the they obtain the approval of the Association, the current expenses, they will be you paid by the them own, not due to the Headquarter in Brazil. 
§ 3rd - POETAS DEL MUNDO will maintain autonomy about emblems and decorations for it established.  They can happen it grants of Medals, Titles / Certificates in partnership with other Institutions, with approval of the Presidency of the involved Entities. 
Art. 33 - the Financial Year of POETAS DEL MUNDO has beginning in first (01) of January and end in thirty one (31) of December, of every year. 
§ 1st - accounts rendered Norms for to be observed by the entity: 
a) Observance of the fundamental beginnings of accounting and of the Brazilian Norms of Accounting; 
b) That feels publicity for any effective way, in the closing of the fiscal exercise, to the report of activities and of the financial demonstrations of the entity, being included the negative certificates of debits close to WELFARE DEPARTMENT and to FGTS, placing them to the disposition for exam of any citizen; 
c) the audit accomplishment, besides for independent external auditors if it goes the case, of the application of the eventual resources object of the partnership term as foreseen in regulation; 
d) the accounts rendered of all the resources and goods of public origin received by the Organizations of the Civil Society of Public Interest it will be done as it determines the only paragraph of the art. 70 of the Federal Constitution. 
Art. 34 - the members of the Management don't notice, the any title, financial advantage for the exercise of your mandates and functions. 
Art. 35 - exceptionally, it will can have position or function accumulation in the Management. 
Art.36 - POETAS DEL MUNDO can found cultural entities, or to previously incorporate those existent: Literary and Artistic academies, besides Scientific, as well as the Vice-presidencies in the exterior, and always under the acquiescence  of the Presidency of POETAS DEL MUNDO. In what it refers to the Vice-presidencies, it will depend before the agreement and direct coordination of the International Presidency. 
Art. 37 - the Members of POETAS DEL MUNDO are not responsible individual, collective or other, for the obligations on behalf of it contracted, expresses or implicit. 
Art. 38 - POETAS DEL MUNDO, besides the resources originating from of the payment of the annual rates of adhesion, it can receive donations done by natural persons or independent entities and for partners or sponsors, or government budgets that come to be voted. 
Art. 39 - the meetings of Management and Plenary cannot be concomitant. 
Art. 40 - this Statute, works, discussed and approved unanimously in Plenary session it will only be able to be altered or reformed partially or totally, for deliberation of the Extraordinary General Assembly, especially summoned for that purpose, counting with most, being their Members corrrect in all your rights and duties to POETAS DEL MUNDO.  
Art. 41 - the present Statute goes into effect in the date of your signature and it will take your legal effects after the registration in competent registry. 
Art. 42 - the omitted cases will be solved for the Management in decision of most, falling resource of the decision to the General Assembly. 
Art. 43 - it is elect the Forum of the city of Field Big-bad, Brazil, for solved any doubts originating from of the present Statute, renouncing for any other, how no matter privileged that it can be. 

June 7th 2010, Campo Grande.

- Delasnieve Miranda Daspet de Souza  - MS - Brazil  

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